- If you want to save some money, then use the ISO image.
You can buy and download the ISO image, burn it to your DVD and then
install Windows 7 to your personal computer. The ISO image is not a
pirated software (see Warnings below), but a download instead of buying
the DVD. It's often less expensive that way.
- Turn on the computer and insert the Windows 7 DVD into your computer’s DVD drive where you can boot from it.
Windows will start loading some files onto your computer and it will
start the Windows setup page where you can start the installing. Make
sure you choose to boot your computer from your DVD drive.
- If you are going to
install Windows 7 to a computer with a different Operating System, then
you should try to install Windows 7 on a different partition or use a
Virtual Machine Software if you don’t use it a lot.
- After the Windows setup page starts it will ask you to read the Terms and Conditions of Windows 7. After reading it check the acceptance and click Next.
- A new window will open which ask what type of installation you want. Choose 'Custom installation'.
- Choose your partition. It's good to choose the first partition. Otherwise, choose whichever one you want.
- After clicking next, it will ask for the Serial and/or Product key. Enter the product key included in your package and click Next which will take you to the installation section.
- A new Window will appear
and it will start copying all files you need for installation before
installing everything on your computer. It may reboot every so often
- After everything is
installed properly, a new page will open which will ask you to create a
username and password for your Administrator user. Enter a username,Password and a hint for your password and click Next.
Now you can adjust the time zone, time and date and click Next which will now load and start your Windows 7.
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